
Education Minister Welcomes Suspension Of Industrial Action

Education Minister Paul Givan has welcomed the suspension of Industrial Action planned for this week by school support staff.

NIPSA and GMB have agreed to suspend strikes planned for Monday and Tuesday of next week to allow for further discussion on resolving the ongoing pay and grading dispute. Unite the Union will be suspending action on Monday 3 June only, pending further negotiations which will take place on Monday to find an acceptable resolution to the dispute.

Welcoming the decision the Minister said: "I welcome (the) positive development that unions have agreed to suspend strike action next week to allow for intense negotiation aimed at finding a resolution to the ongoing pay and grading dispute. This means importantly, that it will now be possible for many schools planning to close on Monday and Tuesday to open as normal."

The Minister continued: "I fully acknowledge the exceptional role played by support staff right across the education sector. Without their outstanding dedication and hard work, those who are most dependent on the services they provide, would not receive the vital support they need and deserve.

"I am committed to working with the unions to find a resolution and remain confident that progress can be made. I will work with Executive colleagues to ensure that is the result."

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