
Police Increase Patrols In West Belfast

The PSNI have increased the number of officers on patrol in west Belfast following recent reports of criminal damage and anti-social behaviour.

Police have also warned that those involved in committing such offences face the very real prospect of prosecution and a criminal record.

It is understood that the decision to increase the number of officers on patrol follows two incidents in which it was reported that groups of youths had been seen on the roofs of Gliders.

Police said that while there was no reports of any damage or injuries, they "cannot stress enough how incredibly dangerous and reckless this type of behaviour is and someone could end up seriously injured".

Chief Inspector Conway said: "Officers attended following this report - though no youths in the area were detected."

Police received a further report that a stone or rock was thrown at a Glider, breaking the window and hitting a young child on their leg.

Chief Inspector Conway continued: "Thankfully, medical attention was not required and our investigation is continuing at this time to determine exactly what happened.

"Those involved in this type of behaviour need to be aware of the seriousness of their actions.

"Even a small stone can shatter a windscreen, obstruct the view of the driver and cause a collision that could result in serious injury or even death.

"Officers, including those from our Safe Transport Team will be out and about this weekend – increasing patrols in the area to prevent reoccurrences of any such reports.

"We would also ask parents and guardians to also speak to their young people and to know where they are to prevent them from engaging in behaviour which could result in injury or a criminal record.

"Enquiries into both of these reports are continuing and we would appeal to anyone with any information or who may have mobile or other footage of what happened, to contact police on 101 quoting references 1157 and 1534 31/05/24."

Alternatively, you can submit a report online using the non-emergency reporting form via www.psni.police.uk/makeareport/

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