
Police Praise 'Live Time Reporting' Of L'Derry Drunk Driver

A man has been arrested and charged with drink driving and drug offences after a member of the public reported reckless driving L'Derry.

The PSNI have thanked the member of the public for making the 'live time report' of their concerns about the driver travelling on the Strand Road area. Police were able to respond to the report and stop the driver. He was arrested and subsequently charged with Driving with Excess Alcohol in Breath and Possession of a Class C controlled drug.
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Sergeant Gurney said: "Thank you to the member of the public who called us with information in relation to this. The immediate, live time reporting of this incident meant our officers were able to take immediate action. We encourage the public to continue to report anything that may be untoward. This information can and does make a difference. We also encourage anyone who finds themselves in a situation where they need help to call us on 101 and, always in an emergency, 999. You can also make a report online at www.psni.police.uk/report which is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Sergeant Gurney added: "Driving with drink or drugs drastically increases the chances of causing a collision. It only takes one drink. Our message is clear. If you're driving, don't drink any alcohol at all. We all share the responsibility to keep ourselves and other road users safe. Remember the 'Fatal Five' and the steps you can take to avoid them. Don't drink and drive, slow down, don't get careless, wear your seat belt and stay off your phone."

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