
Alliance Renews Call For Introduction Of No-Fault Divorce

The Alliance Party has renewed their call for the introduction of no-fault divorce in Northern Ireland.

The party's Finance spokesperson, Eóin Tennyson MLA, has called on the Minister of Finance to introduce relevant legislation at the earliest opportunity.

Speaking ahead of a debate in the Assembly, the Upper Bann MLA said: "No-fault divorce provides an important avenue for many couples by removing unnecessary finger-pointing and acrimony at a time where emotions are already running high.

"In particular, no-fault divorce is a vital way in which many people trapped in abusive relationships can end their marriage in a manner that is less traumatic, as currently, a statement outlining their spouse's unreasonable behaviour is needed before commencing divorce proceedings.

"Removing these outdated laws will ensure divorce is less hostile and more efficient. It therefore reduces the potential for domestic abusers to challenge a divorce by using the court system to further harm their victims.

"It is time for Northern Ireland to catch up with England and Wales in respect of no-fault divorces following the introduction of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act (2020) in April 2022. I therefore urge the Finance Minister to move as quickly as possible to introduce legislation to the Assembly on this issue."

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