
Voting underway in European Elections

Voting for this year's European Elections got underway today with fears that apathy among Northern Ireland's public could result in one of the lowest ever turnouts.

Seven local candidates - Jim Nicholson (UUP), Jim Allister (DUP), Martin Morgan (SDLP), Bairbre de Brun (Sinn Fein), Eamonn McCann (Socialist Environmental Alliance), John Gilliland (Independent) and Lindsay Whitcroft (Green Party) - will vie for the region's three European Parliament seats in what will be Northern Ireland's sixth election in six years.

Polling stations opened at 7am and voting will end on Thursday evening at 10pm, however counting will not begin until Monday as legislation requires that no results shall be announced until after the last country in Europe has finished voting.

More than 1 million people in Northern Ireland are eligible to vote.


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