
Executive Needed To Address Lough Neagh Emergency – SF

Sinn Féin have renewed their call for the urgent restoration of the Executive, which it has said is "essential" to addressing the Lough Neagh emergency.

Declan Kearney and the party's environment spokesperson Philip McGuigan, attended an all-party meeting with lead scientists and officials from the key departments responsible for addressing the ecological catastrophe in Lough Neagh.

Speaking afterwards, the Mr Kearney said: "I emphasised at this meeting, the urgent need for an inter-departmental and multiagency operational task force, to take an immediate grip on the situation in Lough Neagh.

"The presentations delivered by senior scientists confirmed that the ecosystem of the Lough is very seriously damaged. A strategy now needs implemented to restore the health of the Lough on an ongoing basis with immediate and long-term interventions.

"While officials are currently looking at the type of mechanisms needed to do this, and we are content that they are moving at pace, there must be no delay in taking immediate action.

"Department representatives accepted that messaging on a number of fronts has been poor, and there has been a lack of coordination with local councils thus far.

"I stressed that the functions of local councils are properly linked into the work being led by DAERA.

"Officials also agreed that the development of the required action plan, should be informed with reference to international comparators and available international expert, scientific advice; such is the scale of the perfect storm of scientific, environmental and ecological challenges consuming the Lough, and surrounding waterways and natural habitat.

"This crisis also highlights the imperative of the power sharing Executive being restored to ensure coordinated ministerial direction and the necessary political oversight.

"It also vindicates the significant case for Lough Neagh being placed into democratic, public ownership to guarantee its ecosystem is restored and protected for the future, and the freshwater fishing industry and wider economic benefits associated with Lough Neagh are sustained."

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