
Autism Reviewer For NI Must Be Appointed Immediately

Alliance has called for the immediate appointment of an Autism Reviewer for Northern Ireland, stating that it is "outrageous" that the DUP has blocked a Bill brought forward by one of their own MLA's.

The DUP proposed Autism (Amendment) Act 2022 provided for the appointment of a new Autism Reviewer for NI, however the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) has confirmed that the position remains unfilled.

Alliance Health Spokesperson Paula Bradshaw said that the proposed Bill had "rightfully" received cross-party support.

Ms Bradshaw added: "Remarkably and outrageously, we are now in a position where the DUP is blocking its own member's bill from being implemented.

"This is yet another example of where the DUP's refusal to get back to work is doing active harm to the community at large and particularly to many of the people who need the most help from government.

"In the absence of the DUP accepting the responsibility that came with the mandate it received in May, having at no stage said it would block the operation of the Assembly, the Northern Ireland Office will need to move swiftly towards reform of the institutions so that those willing to get on with the job are able to do so. A job that includes the swift appointment of an Autism Reviewer and the ongoing enhancement of autism services."

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