
Govt Urged To Replace EU Funding In Full

Sinn Féin have called on the British government to honour its commitment to replace European funding in full.

The party's economy spokesperson, MLA Caoimhe Archibald, also called on local departments to work with groups delivering European Social Fund (ESF) projects.

Caoimhe Archibald said: "The British government has failed to fully replace lost EU funds and now because of delays in its new Shared Prosperity Fund, local projects are facing a cliff-edge at the end of March.

"Groups and organisations delivering ESF projects support some of the most vulnerable people in our communities and create jobs.

"Sinn Féin has consistently raised concerns on the loss of EU funding because of Brexit and the British government needs to fulfil its commitment to replace lost EU funding.

"Local departments can't replace lost ESF monies but they can continue match funding for ESF-type programmes.

"The workers in the community and voluntary sector want and need an Executive back up and running now with locally elected ministers working together to provide support for these groups.

"One party continues to block the forming of an Executive and I urge local departments to work with groups now on extending existing funding for a year on a pro-rata basis and to use this period to develop a longer-term scheme."

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