
'Make The Call' Service Generates £50m In Additional Benefits

The Department for Communities 'Make The Call' service – which helps people access entitlements they have not been claiming – has generated £50 million in additional benefits over the last year.

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey welcomed the 'Make the Call' results which saw nearly 11,000 people become, on average, £88 a week better off.

The £49.7 million figure for 2021/22 represented an increase of £7.8million in additional benefits from the previous year.

Minister Hargey acknowledged the service's results, highlighting its success in reaching people of pension age with an additional £16 million in Pension Credit and Attendance Allowance generated.

Minister Hargey said: "It is vital that people are put in touch with all the services and benefits to which they are entitled especially given the current cost-of-living pressures.

"My Department's 'Make the Call' service helps put money in the pockets of those who need it most; an average of £88 a week will make a massive difference to those struggling with soaring costs.

"The Make the Call team's efforts in reaching those of pension age, in particular, are to be applauded.

"Over 1,700 people were supported in accessing Pension Credit totaling an additional £6 million in benefits, whilst almost 2,500 people were able to claim Attendance Allowance, resulting in an additional £10 million."

The Make the Call Wraparound Service works in conjunction with a range of partner organisations such as the Housing Executive , Housing Rights, Dementia NI and Carers NI.

Since 2005, almost £354 million in additional annual benefits has been generated for people across the north, many of whom are vulnerable through age, disability, illness, or adverse circumstances.

Minister Hargey continued: "Often people don't realise there is support out there to assist them. With 'Make the Call' we are actively reaching out to those thousands of people who find themselves in situations where every pound generated, and every assistance offered, can help improve lives."

As well as supporting people in accessing benefits, the Make the Call service can direct people to additional supports including:

blue badges for car parking or free bus passes;

access to local groups to help maintain community connections and social independence; help with health costs; home safety checks; assistance with reducing energy costs.

Minister Hargey concluded: "I am determined to support those who need financial assistance the most and I would urge everyone to Make the Call. One phone call could make a massive difference to someone's financial position."

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