
Consultation On Modern Slavery And Human Trafficking Legislation

Justice Minister Naomi Long is seeking input on the development of new legislation to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking.

The Minister has announced a public consultation to consider the following areas:

• the introduction of Slavery and Trafficking Risk Orders;

• the commencement and nature of the Duty to Notify provisions; and

• new powers to search an individual during a property search under existing modern slavery and human trafficking legislation

Naomi Long said: "Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking can affect anyone, of any age, gender or nationality. Criminals and organised crime groups seek to exploit and abuse vulnerable people for their own gains and it is vital that law enforcement and other partners have the means to address and eradicate this callous form of criminality.

"Whilst a lot of work has been undertaken since the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015 was introduced, we must continue to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to deal with perpetrators and provide support and assistance to the victims of these heinous crimes.

"We are putting forward proposals for consultation which will help to strengthen the criminal justice response and I would encourage all those with an interest in tackling this terrible abuse to engage in the process."

"We look forward to your views, which will help inform consideration of the proposed measures in the new mandate.

"We must do all we can to prevent these crimes from happening, to protect victims and bring to justice those taking advantage of vulnerable people in our society through trafficking and exploitation."

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