
50 Groups Benefit From Rural Halls Scheme

Some 50 voluntary and community organisations are to benefit from a £2 million Rural Halls Scheme, Minister Edwin Poots has announced.

Minister Poots visited Kilnaslee Community Development Group in Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone, one of the first rural halls to benefit from the Scheme.

During his visit the Minister also confirmed that due to high demand for the scheme, a revised Business Case has been completed in recent weeks to support an additional 64 organisations, subject to the required budget being secured in 2022/23.

Minister Poots said: "The aim of the £2million Rural Halls Refurbishment Scheme is to deliver capital refurbishments to help keep community facilities viable, remain sustainable and identify new volunteers. Community halls are vital for those who live in rural areas. They provide a gathering place where people can feel involved in their local community and supported in their lives.

"This pilot scheme aims to alleviate some of the pressures on local rural community groups and will help to sustain and support these vital spaces. We are providing each successful applicant with up to £40,000 to carry out the much needed refurbishment work to these important local facilities."

Minister Poots said the scheme was so popular it had been extended: "We had initially intended to fund 30 organisations through this pilot Scheme, however due to the high demand, I secured additional funding to enable 50 eligible applications to be included. This means training and refurbishment funding of just under £2million will go to 50 voluntary and community organisations.

"Furthermore, a revised Business Case has been completed in recent weeks to allow my Department to support an additional 64 organisations, however this is subject to the required budget being secured in 2022/23."

Minister Poots concluded: "I am delighted to be here today with Kilnaslee Community Development Group to see at first hand the much needed work underway. This group is just one of 30 organisations who recently received their grant aid letters which has resulted in a £1million commitment in this financial year from my Department."

Kilnaslee Community Development Group has received a Letter of Offer for £19,000 towards total project costs of £20,000 for refurbishment works to their Hall. The refurbishment works will bring their premises up to the required standards in terms of accessibility, health, safety and hygiene. The refurbishment works involve the removal, renovation and replacement of toilet facilities.

A mandatory accredited 'Managing your Space' training programme is an integral part of the scheme and Kilnaslee Community Development Group has recently had six members complete their training.

A further 20 organisations commenced their mandatory 'Managing Your Space' training in early January and should receive their grant aid Letters of Offer in March/April 2022.

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