
PSNI performance figures released

Newly released PSNI performance figures have revealed that although the detection rate for violent crime has increased, it is still well below the target set by the Northern Ireland Policing Board.

The targets are set in the Annual Policing Plan which the Board publishes every March. This year's figures showed that the PSNI had a detection rate of 48.5% - which is below the 55% target set in the Policing Plan.

Confidence levels relating to people who think the PSNI do a good job was 62% against a target of 70%, while the processing of custody and bail cases on time was also an area of concern. Both have targets set at 85% but are currently sitting at 56% and 66% respectively.

However, on a more positive note for the PSNI, the number of domestic burglaries and vehicle crimes were down respectively at 12% and 18%. Vehicle crimes and drink/driving detection rates also fell by 18% and 16% respectively.

Commenting on the figures, Policing Board Chairman Professor Desmond Rea said: "The Policing Board is here to ensure that we have a police service that is effective and efficient.

“One of the most effective ways to ensure this is for members to monitor police performance on a regular basis which gives an indication as to where PSNI are at any given time in meeting targets that have been set in the Annual Policing Plan.

"The Deputy Chief Constable’s (Paul Leighton) presentation on first three quarters of this financial year gave members a broader collective view of performance in the run up to 31 March 2004 and year-end, when the Board will receive final figures."

The Policing Plan is produced in accordance with the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000. It is prepared by the Chief Constable, agreed by the Policing Board and endorsed by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.


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