
Everyone Responsible For Easing Pressure On Health Service - SF

There is a responsibility on everyone to help ease the pressure on the health service and health workers by following the public health advice, Sinn Féin's Colm Gildernew has said.

Making the call, Mr Gildernew said: "News that six hospitals are operating over capacity shows the extent of the pressure on our health service and its workers as a result of COVID-19.

"Everyone should be doing everything they can to support health workers and help ease the pressure on the health system.

"On a day when pressure is increasing, where infections are increasing, and hospital admissions are increasing, it simply beggars belief that the DUP would seek to increase those pressures by blocking proposals put forward by the health minister not once but twice.

"There is a responsibility on all of us to do what we can to support our health workers by following the public health advice."

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