
Tougher Penalties For Drivers Caught Using A Phone

Tougher punishments for drivers caught using a handheld mobile phone at the wheel of a car are to be introduced, the Infrastructure Minister has announced.

Nichola Mallon intends to legislate for fines of £200, over three times the current charge, in line with those enforced in the rest of the UK, as well as six penalty points for the offence.

It comes after more than half of drivers surveyed by the Department admitted to using their phone while driving.

One in eight of those said they text behind the wheel, while almost one in every twelve said they had made a hand held call while on the road.

Using at phone at the wheel will currently get you a £60 fine and three penalty points.

Minister Mallon said: "I want to take any steps possible to support the continued reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads.

"Evidence shows that using mobile devices while driving is distracting. Distraction while driving is one of the main causes of road traffic collisions on our roads. Many of those collisions causing serious injury and some resulting in loss of life. Any collision caused by mobile phone usage when driving, is one too many. A phone call can wait - but road safety cannot. It's not acceptable that penalties for such a serious offence only currently carry a fine of £60 and three penalty points."

The study also showed that drivers are aware of the risks, with 92% stating that if you use a handheld mobile phone while driving you would be more likely to cause a crash. Importantly, 55% agreed that the penalty should be increased.

The Minister continued: "That's why today I have written to the Committee for Infrastructure outlining alongside a number of legislative priorities, my intention to legislate for increased fines and penalties for drivers using their mobile phones.

"This would be a first step to signal to drivers that I will be taking a zero tolerance approach to dangerous driving."


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