
Workplus Creates 120 Apprenticeships

Twenty-eight construction industry employers across Northern Ireland have struck a deal with Workplus to deliver 120 apprenticeship opportunities.

The programme, which helps employers develop talent through apprenticeships, estimates that almost £8m will be earned by the successful candidates over the period of their apprenticeships, some of which will last up to six years, with the possibility of permanent jobs.

Local contractor Farrans is working on the campaign, offering the chance for aspiring civil engineers to gain qualifications with no fees while getting paid to work.

Two Farrans apprentices, Dermot Irwin and Marius O'Brien have praised the scheme which brings together employers, potential apprentices, colleges and universities to create dynamic opportunities for young people.

West Belfast apprentice Dermot Irwin, 21, is a final year apprentice on a Level 5 Foundation degree programme in civil engineering with Farrans. He joined Farrans on an apprenticeship scheme after his A Levels.

Dermot said: "Learning on the job and from other professionals, earning money while getting qualifications and having no debt from university fees, are all major benefits of taking this route.

"I'd encourage any young person considering higher education to take a look at the opportunities Workplus offers."

Marius O'Brien, 27, a former pupil of St Patrick's Grammar School in Armagh, is in the second year of a foundation degree apprentice in civil and environmental engineering in Farrans.

"I went to university but left after two years as I wasn't enjoying what and how I was learning," Marius said.

"Having the opportunity to gain qualifications while getting on the job experience is accelerating my career. For me, the fact I don't have to pay university fees and earn a wage has made the change in career possible. I find that some of my friends who are university graduates are jealous as they are still paying student loans and have relatively little career experience!"

Richard Kirk, Director of Workplus, explained: "With a Workplus Apprenticeship, employers get bright, focused and ambitious people who ensure their companies have the skillset needed to remain competitive. We believe that apprenticeships are the future of work and education."

Applications are now open for the 2020 Workplus scheme and will close on 06 March.

Click here for further information.


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