
Unionists are uniting around the DUP, claims Iris Robinson

The DUP has responded to a call for unionist unity by UUP MLA David McNarry claiming that unionism is uniting - around the DUP.

Strangford DUP MLA Iris Robinson said: "Unionists are uniting around the position and policies of the Democratic Unionist Party. At the Assembly election, almost two out of every three unionist voters cast their ballots for candidates opposed to the Belfast Agreement and its out workings.

"Since the election, the DUP’s position has been strengthened. Former members of the UUP are flocking to the DUP where they know that they will find unionist leadership and vision unparalleled in any other party.

"Indeed, it would seem that another 30 members of the UUP upped and left at the very meeting David McNarry was addressing, such is their disgust at the out of touch policy of the UUP."

In a statement today, the UUP have since sought to play down the debacle at the AGM of the Upper Bann Constituency Association in Banbridge on Saturday, claiming that only 15 members had left the meeting.

At the meeting Mr McNarry had examined the possibility of Unionists forming "a strong, united alignment in the Assembly", but Mrs Robinson said it was "laughable to suggest unionist unity when David cannot even get unity to break out within the ranks of the UUP".

Calling on the UUP to seriously assesses its own party policy, Mrs Robinson said: "So long as the UUP remain wedded to the old, failed Belfast Agreement then there is no prospect of unity on the issues that matter.

"In the meantime, the DUP will work hard to mop up the mess that David McNarry, a former key adviser to David Trimble, has helped to create."


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