
Economic Development Forum publishes first review

In its first review the Economic Development Forum has announced that employment levels in Northern Ireland are continuing to rise, earnings are increasing, and Northern Ireland is catching up with the UK in terms of some skill levels.

However, the review process also demonstrated that much more work needs to be done if the Forum’s vision of significantly strengthening the Northern Ireland economy by the year 2010 is to be achieved.

In a statement the Forum also highlighted concerns about the potential impact EU enlargement may have on Northern Ireland; called for all employers to help reduce the economic cost of work-related injuries and ill-health and to invest in energy efficiency measures; seeks robust research into economic performance that provides an effective warning system and allows for early interventions and highlights the need for stronger linkages between the business and education sectors.

Minister with responsibility for Enterprise, Trade and Investment and Chairman of the Forum, Ian Pearson, said: "Today’s statement by the Forum highlights some fundamental weaknesses that must be resolved if our shared vision for the Northern Ireland economy is to become a reality. This presents some real challenges for employers, for politicians, for society in general and, indeed, for those of us in Government."

The Forum’s targets were published in ‘Working Together for a Stronger Economy’, when members gave a commitment to regularly review progress. Commenting on the review process, Seamus McAleavey, Director of NICVA explained: "When we published the priorities and targets, the Forum gave a commitment to undertake regular reviews on progress. Today’s results present the findings of the first such review and the process will be repeated at regular intervals from now until 2010. The Forum’s Action Plan, published in March 2003, describes the additional steps currently being taken by Forum members to increase the likelihood of achieving the agreed targets and work to review the effectiveness of the specific additional actions will get underway within the next few months."

The Economic Development Forum is a partnership body, established in 1999, to provide a formal mechanism through which a wide range of key organizations could advise Ministers in the Northern Ireland Administration on issues relating to the development and future competitiveness of the Northern Ireland economy.

The Forum’s full statement has been posted on the EDF website at www.edfni.com.


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