
Consultation Launches Aimed At Drivers Illegally Using Mobile Phones

A public consultation has launched to crack down on drivers illegally using mobile phones.

It is already an offence to drive a vehicle while 'using' a hand-held mobile phone or similar device and is currently punishable by a fixed penalty of £60 and three penalty points. However, illegal use of mobile phones by drivers is an increasing problem.

The consultation will whether the current offence and penalties continue to represent an active deterrent and also proposes changes that will make it illegal to hold a mobile phone while driving.

Donald Starritt from the Department for Infrastructure's Safe and Sustainable Travel Division, said: "This consultation, agreed by the previous Infrastructure Minister, is an opportunity to express views on proposals to strengthen deterrents against using or holding a mobile phone while driving, including increasing the fixed penalty from £60 to £200 and increasing penalty points from three to six.

"Many of you will have already seen the Department's latest advertising campaign “Interview Shame”, which highlights the devastating consequences caused by using a mobile phone while driving. Hand held mobile phones are distracting yet some drivers continue to ignore the dangers and flout the law. Creating a safe community is a key aspect of the draft Programme for Government and this consultation is about making our roads safer for everyone."

The consultation will run from 6 March to 15 May.


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