
Rate Bills Issued For Home Owners And Businesses

Rate bills for 2017/18 are to be issued to home owners and businesses in Northern Ireland.

The rate bill, which will be issued by Land & Property Services (LPS), outlines the amount due for the billing period 2017/18 and includes any unpaid arrears from previous years, together with any rate relief where applicable.

The easiest and most convenient way to pay is by Direct Debit and now you can set up a direct debit online at www.nidirect.gov.uk/rates-online.

Currently, 58% of bills are paid by direct debit, allowing ratepayers to spread the cost of their bill over the full 10-month Direct Debit cycle. There is a choice of three collection dates available for Direct Debit – 7th, 15th or 28th of each month.

As in previous years, there are a number of other ways to pay, including online via the nidirect website, at any Post Office or PayPoint outlet using the 'Rates Quick Pay Card', by phone or in person at an LPS Customer Information Centre.

For domestic ratepayers, there is a 4% discount if they pay their bill in full on or before the discount date of 16th June 2017.

The District Rate Subsidy Scheme continues to apply to domestic and non-domestic ratepayers whose rates increased significantly with the merger of some councils in April 2015. If a ratepayer is eligible for the subsidy, the reduction will automatically be applied and shown on your bill. Small Business Rate Relief has also been continued for the 2017/18 year and will automatically be applied to rate accounts.

If there is any information on your bill which you think is incorrect, if your circumstances have changed or you are having trouble paying your rates, if you are not the ratepayer or if you have not received a bill, contact LPS on 0300 200 7801.


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