
Over 400 GPs Needed In NI Over The Next Five Years - RCGPNI

Over 400 GPs are needed in Northern Ireland over the next five years to cut rising waiting lists.

Launching its first ever action plan, 'Delivering change for general practice: A strategy for improving patient care in Northern Ireland', the Royal College of General Practitioners in Northern Ireland (RCGPNI) offers solutions to the growing crisis facing general practice in Northern Ireland, and the wider health service.

The action plan highlights a number of urgent actions required to address the problems facing general practice in NI as GPs struggle to meet the growing patient demand of a growing and ageing population.

A chronic shortage of GPs compounds the problem, particularly as almost one quarter are aged 55 or over and not enough medical graduates are being trained in general practice to replace them.

Dr John O'Kelly, Chair of RCGPNI, said: "This document outlines a series of immediate measures, as well as medium-to long-term plans.

"As a matter of priority, I urge the Northern Ireland Government to increase the number of GPs being trained by the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency Queen's University Belfast from 65 to 111.

"An increase in the number of GPs will help deal with rising demand and allow more time to be spent with patients. Five or ten minutes is not sufficient, especially for patients who have multiple and increasingly complex conditions.

"General practice has a key role in leading the development of new models of care. We call for investment in the wider practice team.

"Health and Social Care services must be integrated around the lives of patients and carers, and people need to be involved in decisions around their own health and wellbeing."


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