
Increase In Unemployment Rate

The unemployment rate in Northern Ireland was 6.5%, an increase of 0.3 per cent over the quarter and a decrease of 0.1 per cent over the year, according to figures released from April to June 2015.

More recent figures for July 2015 show that the number of claimants in receipt of unemployment related benefits stood at 43,500, a decrease of 400 over the month.

There has been a drop of 9,400 in the unemployment claimant figures over the last 12 months.

Enterprise, Trade and Investment Minister Jonathan Bell said: "The decrease in the number of claimants of unemployment related benefits in July is welcomed, although two quarterly increases in the unemployment rate sees a return to levels reported a year ago. The latest figures reiterate the continued challenges faced by the Northern Ireland labour market and the impact of continued uncertainty in global markets.

"The Northern Ireland unemployment rate (6.5%) is above that for the UK (5.6%) however it continues to compare favourably to the April 2015 rates for the European Union (9.6%) and the Republic of Ireland (9.8%)."


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