
Developer ordered to cease work on listed buildings site

The Department of Environment's Planning Service has served an Enforcement and Stop Notice on a company after it demolished two listed buildings without prior consent in Co Londonderry.

NM Developments were issued the notice after demolishing the buildings in the Diamond, Porstewart, before proceeding to construct new buildings on the site, without permission.

Commenting on the Notice, NIO Minister, Angela Smith said: "Earlier this year I introduced tough new legislation to deal with developers who transgress planning laws.

"This is a flagrant breach of planning laws and I will not tolerate it. This action by Planning Service clearly signals our intent to act quickly and firmly in response to developers who break the law.

"My advice to other developers is to think and think again about flouting planning laws. After all, under the new legislation, where developers are convicted in the Crown Court for demolishing a listed building, they face the possibility of heavy fines and up to two years in prison."

The listed buildings, located approximately in the centre of a listed terrace, where demolished by the developer on August 13 without prior permission. The foundations for a replacement building were subsequently laid, without prior planning permission.


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