
'Handgun' claim fuels renewed calls for prisoner segregation

Sinn Féin has again called for segregation at one of Northern Ireland's most notorious prisons following an alleged assault on two republicans prisoners by loyalists who are said to have produced a handgun.

Councillor Michael Browne said an attack that took place on Monday night was further proof that there were "serious issues of prison safety in Maghaberry".

He added: "The establishment of a Review Panel was a tacit admission of this. The attack on two prisoners by loyalists in the prison on Monday evening makes the issue clear cut.

"What is required is segregation. This is a question of common sense and safety. Sinn Féin made that clear to the Review panel when we met with them last week."

Visits to Maghaberry were cancelled following the incident.

Republican sources claimed that loyalist prisoners produced a handgun during the latest fracas.

The prison service confirmed all visits to Bann House were cancelled and that an extensive search of that part of the prison was being conducted.

Loyalist and republican inmates have attempted to put pressure on prison authorities to introduce segregation of Loyalist and Republican prisoners at Maghaberry.

This includes a dirty protest by republicans and a poster campaign by loyalists.

Both sets of inmates have also been involved in recent roof-top protests at the jail.


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