
Trading Standards warn of credit ratings fraud

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment’s Trading Standards Service (TSS) has advised caution in relation to advertisements offering to clean credit reference files or restore credit ratings.

The ads, generally found in the small advertisements sections at the back of newspapers and magazines, claim to help people who have been refused credit by re-establishing credit ratings and even having county court judgements removed from credit reference files.

Jimmy Hughes from TSS said: "We recommend that anyone with a poor credit history should check their own files with the Information Commissioner. The steps for doing that are explained in a free booklet available from Trading Standards Service."

Mr Hughes explained that such adverts sometimes offer to obtain a credit card for consumers. On application the consumer can find that an advance fee of £25 or more is required. Some applicants have also received nothing for their money and are having difficulty in getting their fee returned.

In these circumstances the fee is returnable on a written request within six months less a deduction of £5.00.

Anyone in this position and seeking further advice should contact the Trading Standards Service on 028 9025 3900 or e-mail tss@detini.gov.uk.


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