
NI Unemployment Falls

The unemployment rate in Northern Ireland fell from 6.6% to 6.0% over the period July - September 2014, according to the latest Labour Force Survey.

The rate is down 1.3% from the rate recorded one year ago (7.3%).

The unemployment rate was the same as the UK average rate of 6.0%, which has dropped 0.3% over the quarter and by 1.7% over the year. The NI rate was also lower than the European Union (10.1%) and Republic of Ireland (11.4%) rates for August 2014.

But the survey showed that over the period July - September, 58.8% of those unemployed in Northern Ireland have been unemployed for one year or more. This is up 8.1% from one year ago. They also record the unemployment rate for 18-24 year olds at 20.0%, indicating a drop of 5.0% over the year. The is compared to the UK average rate of 15.1%.

The seasonally adjusted number of people claiming unemployment related benefits stood at 52,100 in October 2014 – down 100 from the previous month’s revised figure.

But the Northern Ireland claimant count rate stood at 5.9% in October 2014, making it the highest among the twelve UK regions. The UK rate was 2.8%. This is now the 55th consecutive month that NI has had the highest or second highest UK regional unemployment rate, on this measure.

Enterprise Minister Arlene Foster said: "The decrease in the unemployment rate, alongside the continued decrease in the Northern Ireland claimant count is encouraging. The number of claimants has fallen in each of the last 22 months, which is the most sustained decrease since June 1995.

"Northern Ireland has seen significant investment and job creation recently as a result of support from Invest NI for Northern Ireland businesses.

"In the first six months of 2014/15 Invest NI has promoted over 10,800 jobs and it is particularly encouraging that 52% of all new jobs promoted were by locally owned businesses. We have also welcomed new investors to Northern Ireland including EY, Baker & McKenzie, Alexander Mann Solutions and SSE Airtricity.

"Through Invest NI, my department will continue to support and encouraging existing businesses to grow and look to new markets, as well as encouraging new investors to locate in Northern Ireland."


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