
Report calls for end to jailing asylum seekers

A new report has called on the government to end its practice of detaining asylum seekers at a Co Antrim jail while their applications are being dealt with.

The report by the Law Centre, entitled 'Sanctuary in a Cell', revealed that since its previous report in November 2000 the number of people detained at Maghaberry jail, which also houses paramilitary prisoners, has increased by 20%.

The report called the present situation as "nothing short of a disgrace" and showed that asylum seekers from as far away as China have been detained for up to a year while their application is looked at.

Northern Ireland's Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission, Joan Harbison, said it was important the recommendations of the report were acted upon while Sinn Fein's Conor Murphy called for an immediate end to the practice.

"The current British policy regarding those fleeing persecuting in their own country has been to lock them up as criminals inside Maghaberry prison. This practice can only be described as internment and has included young children and pregnant woman. This sort of treatment is unacceptable and must end," he said.


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