
600 Homelessness Cases Prevented By Housing Rights Service

Over 600 cases of homelessness were prevented in Northern Ireland last year by the Housing Rights Service, according to the Department for Social Development.

DSD has also said the service, which is funded by the Department, provided assistance to more than 7,500 people in 2013/14.

The Housing Rights Service works to prevent homelessness across Northern Ireland. It provides advice on issues such as homelessness, housing repairs or improvements, rent, mortgage, repossession and legal representation.

Social Development Minister Mervyn Storey said: "This service is highly valued and important to people experiencing housing problems. The sheer numbers of people that they have assisted, including vulnerable homeless people, is a testament of the vital services that they provide.

"It is imperative that anyone who feels that they are in danger of losing their home should access this support as early as possible. The Housing Rights Service will work closely with people to help them to explore all the options available to avoid the threat of repossession."


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