
European e-learning on offer via Euro Masters

From January 2004, students and workers in the UK, France and Belgium can benefit from an e-learning Euro Masters programme in ICT.

The facility will be offered through a partnership between the University of Kent, the Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale at Calais and the Katolieke Hogeschool Brugge-Ostende (KHBO) in Belgium.

The project will develop Masters-level training in information and communications technologies through higher education institutions. The flexible courses are aimed at people already involved in industry and commerce who want to expand their continuing professional education. The Euro-MSc will be a modular University of Kent degree.

The courses will be delivered via e-learning, with lectures, notes, diagrams, problems and solutions on CD-ROM or DVD, and additional material available through web links. E-learning will improve students' IT skills and provide access to higher education for those who are not geographically mobile.

The Euro Masters will be marketed through local development, training and employment agencies, professional institutions and trade associations. Students are expected to come from a variety of backgrounds including electronic engineers, information and technology companies, training agencies, the university sector and research and development organisations.

Nathan Gomes, Senior Lecturer in Electronics and designated e-Masters tutor from the University of Kent says: “The availability of a well-educated, trained and mobile workforce in the ICT field will present an economic advantage to the European Union and the region in particular. The collaboration will also aid working towards greater standardisation of European higher education.

On a personal level, there will be a get-together at the beginning of the year to introduce staff and students and to train them to use the learning environment, including how to access information or benefit from the bulletin boards as a discussion forum."

The European Union is funding the initial development costs of the Masters programme (Franco-British INTERREG programme III), the participating institutions will meet the running costs.


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