
Shorts talks end in union walkout

Talks between unions and management of Shorts have broken down following a decision by union representatives to walk out of the meeting.

It appears the two sides disagreed over apprentice intake and holiday entitlement, with union members accusing the company of being "inflexible".

However, Shorts management hit back claiming the issues of contention were not issued during last week's talks but that they were still "committed to engage in constructive dialogue with workforce representatives in a bid to protect jobs here".

If a compromise is not found soon more than 1,000 jobs could go as part of Shorts' restructuring programme.

In a statement following today's meeting, Shorts management confirmed this: "We remain fully committed to our operations here, but we are forced to continue to address all means of reducing our costs and regaining our competitiveness.

"It has been a difficult time, but we must take measures to protect our future and retain jobs in the longer term."

The company have already announced 580 redundancies in response to what it called "very challenging market conditions".


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