
NI benefits from £5m peace money

More than £5 million of Peace II money was handed out to local projects in July, figures have revealed.

Averaging nearly £1.5 million each week, this brings total funding distributed to nearly £60 million with nearly £250 million committed to local causes.

Shaun Henry, Peace II Director of the Special EU Programmes Body which is the Managing Authority for the Programme, said: “We are very pleased that these funds are now cascading down into the community. The money that we have spent in July is twice the amount spent in the previous month. This is all the more gratifying as we would not have expected such a volume of claims in July.

“The pace at which Peace II is progressing has been accelerating for some time and we expect that this will continue as we move towards the autumn. This applies to the number of projects receiving approval as well. Each project that receives funding is making a real contribution to building peace in Northern Ireland and the Border Region.”

To date, the number of organisations beginning their work under Peace II has climbed to more than 1,800 with more proposals still being processed. Overall, some 6,000 applications have been received.


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