
PSNI Launches Domestic Abuse DVD

The PSNI has teamed with a youth group to produce a DVD aimed at helping victims of domestic abuse.

The DVD – 'Family Portrait - Voice of a Victim' has been launched in Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey by the PSNI, Women’s Aid and Justice Minister David Ford.

The launch of the DVD forms part of the PSNI's annual Christmas campaign to tackle domestic abuse. It will include billboard and Facebook advertising to encourage victims of domestic abuse to come forward.

Chief Constable Matt Baggott said: "The emotional impact of domestic abuse should not be underestimated. Victims can live for years through harrowing experiences and if the victim is a parent then there can also be an incredibly negative impact on children and other young people within the family circle.

"Our figures show that this year to date there have been 27,190 reports of domestic abuse incidents received by police in comparison to the previous year’s figure of 25,196. While these statistics are abhorrent, we know that this is an under-reported crime, so we welcome that the increase indicates that more people are confident in the police response to this crime. Our message is very clear. Domestic abuse can only stop if you report it.

"We know there are more victims out there, and we want to encourage them to take that brave first step and call police, or one of our partner agencies like Women’s Aid. There is also a 24 Hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline number for victims - 0808 802 1414 or in an emergency please call 999."

Justice Minister David Ford added: "The DVD is powerful viewing and I commend all those involved in its production. It gives young people a voice, a voice that must be heard. I am pleased that the DVD will now be used, along with associated training material, to educate a wide range of organisations so that they can better understand the safety and support mechanisms young people in this situation need."

Laura Dillon, Volunteer Co-ordinator added: "We are very proud of the work and commitment the young people have put into making the DVD Family Portrait Voice of a Victim. They have worked tirelessly to produce the DVD along with the resource manual, which will be used as an educational tool for all. We hope this DVD will raise awareness of the impact domestic violence has on children and young people as the hidden victims of domestic violence. Together, we can make a difference."


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