
16-25s The Majority Of Essential Skills Enrolments

The vast majority of people who enrol in Essential Skills courses to improve literacy, numeracy and ICT (Information Computer Technology) skills are aged between 16 and 25, according to a new report.

The Department for Employment and Learning has today published the fourth official statistical bulletin on Essential Skills enrolments and outcomes.

There have been nearly 355,000 enrolments (just over 147,000 individuals) in Essential Skills courses since the scheme began in 2002.

During the academic year 2012/13 there were nearly 53,000 enrolments.

The majority of enrolments are within literacy (43%) and numeracy (40%), with ICT accounting for 17%, despite it only having commenced in 2009.

71% of enrolments are within the age band 16-25, while 64% are unemployed and 'economically inactive'.

30% of all enrolments came from the most deprived quintile of Northern Ireland areas

The Essential Skills programme has a retention rate of 88%, an achievement rate of 65% and a success rate of 57%.


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