
Concerns Raised Over NI Prisons

"Significant concerns" have been raised over the running of two of Northern Ireland's prison facilities following examinations by the Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJINI).

The critical inspections of Hydebank Wood Young Offenders' Centre (YOC) and Ash House, Northern Ireland's women's prison, were conducted in February 2013.

Inspectors say there are concerns regarding the prisons' performance and their ability to deliver positive outcomes for prisoners within their care.

"Inspectors were disappointed to find that lessons had not been fully learned from recent deaths in custody at both the YOC and Ash House," said Brendan McGuigan, Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland.

"Performance in relation to safety and respect at the YOC were found to be 'not sufficiently good' while purposeful activity was categorised as 'poor'."

The Chief Inspector continued: "Safety was a concern, with many prisoners reporting feeling victimised by other prisoners and staff. There was also little progress in developing a robust approach to violence reduction, and more needed to be done to effectively challenge poor behaviour."

The report found that young men at Hydebank were spending too long locked in their cells and that activities were often cancelled at short notice.

Concerns were raised regarding the small number of prisoners accessing work and education and inspectors also identified that the needs of prisoners with low levels of literacy and numeracy were not being met.

In relation to Ash House, Mr McGuigan said Inspectors found female prisoners had limited access to facilities and services.

"Purposeful activity provision was deemed 'poor' and had deteriorated since Ash House was previously inspected in 2011," Mr McGuigan said.

"Insufficient activity places were provided, and what was available was poorly used. Vocational training opportunities were limited and the quality and standard of what was delivered was mixed."

Ash House was found to be 'reasonably good' in respect of safety; 'not sufficiently good' in relation to resettlement, while respect was categorised as 'poor.'

"The approach in both facilities to addressing substance misuse and tackling what was perceived to be a drugs problem, did not provide a satisfactory level of reassurance," said the Chief Inspector.

"The new leadership teams in place at Hydebank Wood YOC and Ash House must work to deliver a fundamental improvement in outcomes for prisoners. A radical rethink is also required to the approach to the imprisonment of women in Northern Ireland, in order to improve standards and opportunities.

"These inspection reports demonstrate, once again, how imperative it is for focus to be maintained on the wider reform of the Northern Ireland Prison Service and the full implementation of the Prison Review Team recommendations to be achieved."


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