
4,000 To Learn Irish By 2015

4,000 people have pledged to become fluent in Irish by 2015 through the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure's (DCAL) Líofa campaign.

Líofa (meaning ‘fluent’ in Irish) was launched by Culture Minister Carál Ní Chuilín in September 2011 to improve fluency and the use of Irish by 2015.

At a visit to Gaelscoil na Móna in west Belfast, the Minister said: "This is a fantastic achievement and one I am very proud to be part of. It is particularly pleasing to reach this latest milestone during Bliain na Gaeilge – a year dedicated to raising the profile of the language across Ireland."

"The Irish language is our language and part of our culture and heritage. As I have witnessed here at Gaelscoil na Móna, it is something to be cherished and promoted. Líofa aims to encourage every citizen – regardless of their background or level of expertise – to embrace the inclusivity and enrichment of the Irish language.

"Although Líofa is a personal commitment and goal, we will help steer your learning experience and assist you in sourcing Irish language classes and learning support if you sign up to take the Líofa challenge."


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