
Sinn Féin Must 'Demonstrate Leadership'

Two DUP MLAs have criticised Sinn Féin over what they see as a lack of leadership and sending out mixed messages to the electorate.

Arlene Foster and Edwin Poots made the comments following Sinn Féin's annual Ard Fheis in Castlebar, County Mayo, at the weekend.

Mr Poots said: "The events of the weekend at Sinn Fein’s conference make public what many of us have been aware of for some time. That is the need for Sinn Fein to demonstrate clear leadership to its own membership and activists by ending the mixed messages coming from senior levels of the party.

"On the one hand Martin McGuinness did state that dissident republicans were "traitors" but he then is happy to meet the Parole Commissioners calling for the release of dissident prisoners Marian Price and Martin Corry. These kind of mixed messages may explain why over a quarter of Sinn Féin activists surveyed were content to justify dissident republican violence and only 12% agreed that these terrorists were "traitors to Ireland".

Arlene Foster added: "Issues were raised in the Assembly today by the First Minister seeking clarity on the views held by the Sinn Féin candidate for the position of Deputy Speaker. Whilst these assurances were forthcoming they were only necessary because of the issues which arose from Sinn Féin's own conference.

"The lack of leadership at the top of Sinn Féin has been evident in the absence of any effective response to nightly attacks on vulnerable communities such as those on the Fountain Estate in Londonderry."

The PSNI has been investigating trouble at the Fountain estate in L'Derry over the weekend, following reports of young people throwing stones and petrol bombs towards the estate and at police vehicles.

"Republicans are always more than willing to pass comment on others, but this may simply be to distract from their own inaction and the clear splits they obviously face despite continual micro-management of their own party structures," Minister Foster continued.

"The responsibility falls to those at the top of Sinn Féin to step forward and offer some leadership, not just to the entire community of Northern Ireland or to nationalist/republican voters, but to Sinn Féin's own membership and activist base. The difficulty they appear to have in convincing their core supporters does not point towards an ability to move forward and deliver a better future for everyone in Northern Ireland."

But Alliance Justice spokesperson Stewart Dickson MLA said the DUP have "short term memories".

Mr Dickson said: "I think the DUP have a short term memory if they are calling on other parties to show their support for law and order. Let's not forget that it was only a couple of months ago that they were openly undermining the PSNI over the flag protests.

"Political parties must show their full support for law and order at all times and not when it just pleases them.

"The First and deputy First Ministers are meant to be the leaders of our Executive; it is time they acted accordingly."


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