
'Know Your Rights', NI Shoppers Urged

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) has urged Northern Ireland’s shoppers to be aware of consumer rights when taking advantage of the January sales.

DETI’s Trading Standards Service (TSS) and the Consumer Council are working together under the banner of Consumerline, in a bid to help shoppers avoid ending up with unwanted items or goods that cannot be returned.

Stephen Thompson, spokesman for Consumerline, explained: "Consumers need to remember that they have exactly the same statutory rights for goods bought in a sale as at any time of the year. Signs like 'No returns on sale goods' may be illegal because they can mislead consumers about their rights.

"Some sales goods may be reduced because of slight defects, so shoppers need to check items carefully. The seller is not obliged to give you your money back if you are complaining about faults pointed out prior to purchase, for example, on signs or labels.

"It is against the law for shops to pretend that goods have been reduced from a higher price to the sale price. Generally the goods should have been on sale in the store at the higher price before being reduced. Consumers should also be aware that some shops buy in goods specifically to sell during sale time."

The Sale of Goods Act covers all items bought, whether in-store or online.

But Consumerline is reminding shoppers that just because a website includes '.uk' in its address, this does not mean the trader is based in the UK.

Consumers are advised to look for a full postal address on the website, or visit www.uk.theshoppingassistant.com if unsure.


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