
Ash Tree Aid Suspended

Minister for Agriculture Michelle O’Neill has announced a temporary suspension of aid for new ash planting until the outlook for ash dieback is clearer.

Chalara fraxinea, the cause of the disease, has been identified in young ash saplings at 16 sites in counties Down, Antrim, Tyrone and L’Derry.

The plants are thought to be linked to continental imports and showed symptoms of the disease.

It is hoped the temporary suspension of grant aid for ash planting will reduce the risk of new woodland with ash failing as a result of the disease.

Chalara fraxinea has already caused the death of many ash trees in the UK and further afield on the Continent.

Cross-border legislation was introduced on Friday 26 October banning the import and movement of ash plants for planting from infected areas.

Legislation made on 6 November requires importers to demonstrate that wood is free from infection by showing it comes from an area known to be free from disease.

The Preliminary Woodland Register published by Forest Service shows the area of woodland in Northern Ireland is 105,700 hectares or approximately 8% of the land area.

The Forest Service has estimated there are approximately 32,000 hectares of woodland, or 30% of the total woodland area, likely to contain a component of ash.

There are also an estimated 75,000 miles of hedgerow also likely to contain a component of ash.


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