
Criticism Over Delay In Bloody Sunday Arrests

The PSNI faces criticism over its failure to arrest or interview soldiers involved in Bloody Sunday.

Victims’ families are questioning why the police in Northern Ireland have not acted upon the findings over the Saville Inquiry over two years ago, which found that British soldiers were "unjustified" in causing the deaths of 14 unarmed civilians in L’Derry in 1972.

13 civillians, seven of whom were teenagers, were shot dead during a civil rights protest in the city. A further man died later from injuries sustained in the shootings.

Despite the findings, the PSNI has admitted to never interviewing or arresting a single person.

Peter Madden from Madden and Finucane Solicitors is representing the families.

He said they will be considering all "legal remedies" available.

The PSNI admitted that no soldiers have been arrested or questioned.

Mickey McKinney, whose brother William was killed in the shootings, said: "I think it is fair to say, that my family and the families seeking prosecutions, are not happy.

"In fact we are very angry that this has not moved any quicker."

Mr Madden added: "It is staggering that almost two and a half years since Lord Saville delivered his report and the Prime Minister stated unequivocally in Parliament that all of the deceased and injured were shot without justification, that the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has failed to take any reasonable steps to progress the prosecutions of those responsible.

"Their abject failure to do so, bearing in mind the considerable work done by the Saville Inquiry, is completely unacceptable, and has significantly undermined the rule of law and administration of justice."

At the close of the inquiry in June 2010, Lord Saville concluded: "What happened on Bloody Sunday strengthened the Provisional IRA, increased nationalist resentment and hostility towards the Army and exacerbated the violent conflict of the years that followed.

"Bloody Sunday was a tragedy for the bereaved and the wounded, and a catastrophe for the people of Northern Ireland."


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