
Annual All Ireland Crime Seminar Hosted

The annual cross-border crime seminar has been hosted by Justice Minister David Ford and Irish Justice Minister Alan Shatter.

PSNI Assistant Chief Constable Drew Harris and Deputy Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan from An Garda Siochana joined the ministers at the event.

The seminar is intended as a platform for law enforcement agencies across Ireland to share ideas and develop plans for the future.

A Threat Assessment on organised crime in both jurisdictions was presented.

David Ford said: "This seminar is an important date in the diary for those working across the island of Ireland to tackle organised crime. Both jurisdictions have longstanding and strong links and this seminar provides a vital opportunity to take stock and plan for the future.

"The Threat Assessment outlines how human trafficking remains a priority area for both jurisdictions. The levels and potency of illegal drugs, fuel laundering and tobacco fraud also feature heavily along with emerging threats such as an increase in cybercrime."

Minister for Justice and Equality, Alan Shatter TD said: "It is vitally important that we continue to nurture, and build on, the very valuable levels of trust and cooperation that exist between our Departments and our law enforcement agencies, north and south."

The Minister also took the opportunity to address the recent upsurge in dissident activity on both sides of the border.

Mr Shatter said: "Like many, I resent the fact that these groups want to characterise themselves as 'dissidents'. There was a long and honourable tradition of dissidents in totalitarian regimes. But what these people dissent from is democracy itself and the rule of law. They are not just people who ignore the democratically expressed wishes of the people. They are prepared to engage in the most serious types of criminality to fund their lifestyles. They are not dissidents but criminal terrorists."


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