Welfare Bill 'Could Increase Homelessness'
Proposed welfare reforms could lead to many people currently on housing benefits becoming homeless, an MLA has warned.
If the new legislation is pushed through, it would lead to housing payments no longer being made directly to landlords; a move which Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan fears could exacerbate problems for already vulnerable people.
Derry/Londonderry has among the highest number of people on housing benefits in Northern Ireland and Mr. Durkan, who is the SDLP’s Social Development spokesman, has said that the introduction of a Universal Credit could be detrimental to the city’s low-income citizens.
He said: "The introduction of Universal Credit will cause many problems not only for the vulnerable people whose welfare is being attacked but also for advice workers, charities, government agencies and significantly providers of housing.
"The fact that this payment is to include Housing Benefit gives me and others great cause for concern. Already with less money coming into households, many vulnerable people are very likely to have difficulty budgeting and their tenancy could be compromised due to an inability to manage their new found financial responsibility."
Mr. Durkan urged the Assembly to help "minimise the negative impact of welfare reform.
"I believe our proposal to de-couple the payment of Housing Benefit from other elements of Universal Credit and retain its direct payments to landlords is achievable", he said.
If the new legislation is pushed through, it would lead to housing payments no longer being made directly to landlords; a move which Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan fears could exacerbate problems for already vulnerable people.
Derry/Londonderry has among the highest number of people on housing benefits in Northern Ireland and Mr. Durkan, who is the SDLP’s Social Development spokesman, has said that the introduction of a Universal Credit could be detrimental to the city’s low-income citizens.
He said: "The introduction of Universal Credit will cause many problems not only for the vulnerable people whose welfare is being attacked but also for advice workers, charities, government agencies and significantly providers of housing.
"The fact that this payment is to include Housing Benefit gives me and others great cause for concern. Already with less money coming into households, many vulnerable people are very likely to have difficulty budgeting and their tenancy could be compromised due to an inability to manage their new found financial responsibility."
Mr. Durkan urged the Assembly to help "minimise the negative impact of welfare reform.
"I believe our proposal to de-couple the payment of Housing Benefit from other elements of Universal Credit and retain its direct payments to landlords is achievable", he said.
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