
Campaigners Call For Men's Domestic Violence Refuge

Campaigners are calling for a refuge to be established in Northern Ireland to help growing number of men at risk of domestic abuse, the Belfast Telegraph has reported.

The number of new male victims of domestic abuse was almost double that of women over the past year, according to PSNI figures revealed this week.

The bulk of attacks were against women, but domestic abuse directed at men is becoming more serious.

And more male victims are coming forward from urban areas.

Just under 400 men called a 24-hour helpline run by Northern Ireland Women's Aid Federation (WAF) in 2010/2011 and now represent 1% of calls.

Men’s Advisory Project (MAP) caters for men experiencing domestic abuse and find that men who try to flee domestic abuse often end up in regular hostels, which are not adequate.

Chairman James Knox said: "There are difficulties around bringing your children with you to stay in a hostel. So there's a real need for a refuge."

Inspector Pauline Mooney from the PSNI's Public Protection Unit, which deals with domestic abuse, said: "It (the need for a hostel) is something we are aware of."

She said the brunt of domestic abuse experienced by men is psychological, implemented by a current or former partner or wife, but can come from members of the family like fathers, sons or brothers.

If you would like to speak to someone about domestic abuse, call the Women's Aid Federation’s 24-hour helpline on 0800 9171414, or the Men’s Advisory Project can be contacted on (028) 90241929 or email info@mapni.co.uk.


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