
Orange Halls Attacked Overnight

Two Orange Order halls have been attacked with paint overnight.

Paint bombs were thrown at Clifton Street Orange Hall in north Belfast, near Carlisle Circus where last Thursday's Twelfth of July marchers met and departed from.

A hall on Main Street in Glenavy, County Antrim was also vandalised in the early hours of this morning.

The attacks have been condemned by both Orange Order and Sinn Fein spokespeople.

A spokesman for the Glenavy District described the attack on the village’s hall as "downright despicable".

James Tinsley said: "The perpetrators have nothing to offer this society and must not be allowed to succeed in their attempt to diminish our cultural and Orange heritage."

And Belfast County Grand Master Tom Haire blamed republicans for the Clifton Street attack, saying they were trying to ratchet up tensions in the community.

He said: "Brethren in north Belfast have made great strides to make the hall a community facility for all and this attack was clearly carried out by people who have no respect or tolerance for a differing viewpoint. The Twelfth is now over and it is time for such lawlessness to stop."

Sinn Fein's Deputy Mayor of Belfast condemned the attack in similar terms.

Tierna Cunningham said: "These kinds of incidents serve absolutely no purpose other than to increase tensions for residents in the north of the city."

Police said the Clifton Street paint-bombing happened between 1am and 1.20am today (Tuesday).

They have asked for anyone with information about either incident to contact them.


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