
Cancer Charity Backs Smoke-free Cars Move

This week's push by the Ulster Unionist party for action on smoking in cars that are carrying children has prompted the Ulster Cancer Foundation (UCF) to welcome a resulting consultation on the issue, just announced by the DUP Health Minister, Edwin Poots.

Gerry McElwee, Head of Cancer Prevention (pictured here) said: "Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 chemicals including 60 compounds known to cause cancer.

"Smoking remains the major preventable cause of premature death in Northern Ireland. Tobacco kills seven local people every day and more deaths than alcohol, illegal drugs, obesity and road accidents together. There is no safe level of exposure to second hand smoke. Indeed concentrations found in cars can be 10 times higher than the level considered 'unhealthy' by the US Environmental Protection Agency," he said.

"UCF is delighted that the Assembly is taking positive action on this issue," he said after Minister Poots said he would give consideration to a ban on smoking in cars carrying children.

Speaking during an Assembly debate on the issue of banning smoking in private cars carrying passengers under the age of 16 years, the Minister acknowledged that children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of smoking and said that his Department will launch a public consultation on this issue.

"Smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death in Northern Ireland. Each year approximately 2,300 people die from smoking related illnesses.

"Passive smoking is a health issue which I take very seriously, particularly when those affected by it are children, who are more vulnerable to second-hand smoke as they breathe more rapidly and inhale more pollutants per pound of body weight than adults."

The Minister continued: "Research has shown us that 15% of adults smoke in their cars when children are present. It also indicates that smoking in a car exposes children to levels of smoke, which compare to levels found in bars before smoke-free legislation was introduced.

"Banning smoking in private cars is somewhat emotive and I am aware that while there will be many supporters, there will also be a number of people who may feel that it is a step too far.

"This is why I asked my officials in early September to commence work on an action plan and timeline for developing a consultation package on banning smoking in cars. This work is expected to be completed by next spring," he added.

"I want to ensure the public is fully involved in this process and I would urge everyone with an interest in this issue to respond to the consultation."

See: Car Smoking Ban Proposed To Protect Kids


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