
Attwood Launches Rental Guide

The NI Social Development Minister, Alex Attwood, has launched a new guide to help combat homelessness - by tackling rent arrears before it happens.

The new Rent Collection Guidance is targeted at social housing landlords to encourage better management of debt-related issues, which could otherwise lead to people losing their homes.

Speaking in north Belfast this morning, Alex Attwood said: "This guidance will ensure that social housing tenants get help and support with managing their rent payment, regardless of who their landlord is.

"In a time of uncertainty for those in need, and with announcements being made on an almost weekly basis on the changes that lie ahead for the welfare system in Northern Ireland, it is important that we offer support and reassurance to those most in need.

"I welcome this new guide and the work that has been put into producing it by my Department, and those who engaged with us to ensure that it addressed the issue head on."

The Rent Collection Guidance works on two levels. Firstly, it places an emphasis on engaging with tenants at the earliest possible stage to ensure that they are aware of their social responsibility to pay their rent on time.

Secondly it also reminds social landlords of the importance of taking reasonable steps to ensure their tenants remain in their home.

A spokesperson for the Housing Executive added: "Through our involvement with the Preventing Possession Initiative we have been able to provide assistance on a number of issues of best practice through our robust, long established recovery procedures.

"We endeavour to research and implement areas of good practice providing a high standard of service to our tenants.

"We feel that the Rent Collection Guidance will give clear guidance to Housing Associations to assist with rent collection and debt recovery," he said.

The Rent Collection Guidance was developed by Department for Social Development, with support from the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA), Housing Rights Service and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

Chris Williamson, Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA), said: "NIFHA recognises that managing rent collection is an important area of work for all housing associations and we welcome this Rent Collection Guidance for Social Landlords which supplements our own publication, A Guide to Rent Arrears and Recovery Procedures for Registered Housing Associations.

"Our Federation recognises that rent is the financial life blood of every housing association so it is important that our members assist their tenants in claiming any welfare benefits to which they are entitled enabling them to pay their rent regularly. The Federation hopes this guidance will help associations, tenants and the advice services achieve these joint objectives."

Nicola McCrudden, Housing Rights Service policy manager commented: "We believe this guide will help ensure a consistent approach in assisting tenants who are in arrears and could result in less people losing their homes.

"Central to the guidance is the role of independent advice. We are delighted to be partnering with a number of Housing Associations to provide debt counselling for tenants experiencing difficulty with arrears.

"Housing Rights Service has always promoted early intervention with Tenants to avoid arrears accumulating to unmanageable levels."


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