
£100m 'Not Enough For Road Fix'

A pre-election survey has revealed key attitudes among UK motorists.

62% of those surveyed said £100m would not be enough to fix the UK's road.

Severe weather conditions that hit the UK earlier this year took their toll on roads, leaving motorists today navigating a pothole hell.

In the final days before the general election, an Exchange and Mart survey reveals that 62% of voters believe Labour’s pledge of £100m to repair roads is not enough.

Exchange and Mart calls for next week’s elected party to take clear focus on motoring to tackle congestion, rising costs and crumbling roads, as well as bolder steps to reduce CO2 emissions.

The survey reports that motorists were disappointed with Labour’s Budget plans to deal with the UK’s roads.

However, none of the main competing parties seem to be offering much promise for UK motorists in the lead up to the election.

Rising fuel prices, the end of the scrappage scheme and emissions based car tax means motorists are feeling the pinch.

When asked if Labour’s plans to stagger the fuel tax increases over the next year will do anything to soften its financial impact 61% said no.

In the Budget, Alistair Darling also pledged £285m for motorway improvements and expansion projects, but the majority of those survey said "It’s not enough!"

The Liberal Democrats have taken a different approach by pledging to invest in rail, whilst introducing more steeply graduated VED for higher emission cars, which is unlikely to be a vote winner for motorists.

Meanwhile, the Conservatives are planning more tolls on new roads, but oppose road-pricing.

In contrast, the Liberal Democrats have voiced their commitment to investing in rail whilst reducing carbon emissions by introducing more steeply graduated VED for cars with higher emission engines, which is unlikely to be a vote winner for motorists.

The Conservatives are planning more tolls on new roads, but oppose road-pricing.

"Our survey goes to show just how low morale is for British motorists," said Debra Healy, Digital Director of Exchange and Mart.

"For most motorists it costs too much and road conditions are poor and unsafe. The hard winter has left the roads in a terrible state and more snow and bad weather over Easter has just highlighted the problem.

"It’s clear from our survey that UK motorists aren’t happy with the condition of the roads and many would like to see better value for their road tax. However, none of the main parties seem to be focusing on the motorist, making it a difficult decision for voters looking to reduce costs on their car," she added.


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