
Car Website Calls For Motorist's Manifesto

As political campaigning reaches its final stage, leading used car website, motors.co.uk has called for a Motorists’ Manifesto to place the needs of UK drivers at the top of the political agenda.

The move follows new research by the website into the key issues concerning motorists ahead of the election.

According to the research, the top three driving demands are for Britain’s pot hole riddled roads to be improved, for the scrappage scheme to be brought back and for a cut in fuel duty to combat spiralling costs at the pump.

An overwhelming 93 per cent of motorists surveyed thought the government should spend the revenue from fuel tax increases on improving the condition of the UK's roads.

After one of the harshest winters in 30 years, the number of holes in the nation's roads has risen dramatically with an estimated £10bn needed to fix the problem.

The research also found that over 84 per cent of motorists would support the reintroduction of the government’s scrappage scheme which saw an additional 330,000 new cars sold before the scheme ended last month.

With petrol prices set to reach an all time high this month, the high cost of fuel is understandably a key issue for motorists with 82 per cent calling for a cut in overall fuel duty.

According to the motors.co.uk research, the majority of motorists also support raising the motorway speed limit above 70 mph, (68 per cent). However opinion was divided over the question of introducing 20 mph speed limits for town centres, with only 42 per cent backing the plan.

And despite the recent praise for Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg's TV debate appearances, UK motorists remain unconvinced of the party’s appeal. According to the survey, only 8 per cent of motorists would vote Lib Dem at the election with the majority, 57 per cent opting for the Conservatives.

The political importance of the nation's motorists was confirmed by a separate AA/Populus poll which found that less than one fifth of 'Motorway Men' and 'Women at the Wheel' have decided who to vote for.

Commenting on the findings, Katie Wardle, Marketing Manager at motors.co.uk said: "Motorists across the UK are fed up with being ignored by politicians and a Motorist's Manifesto would make sure the needs of UK motorists are heard by all political parties.

"Issues such as scrappage, fuel tax and the appalling state of the nation’s road network are real areas of concern for motorists and the political party that offers a fair deal for motorists and addresses these issues will attract significant support."

An issue that was surprisingly high on the political agenda of motorists was a call for smoking to be banned in all cars including private vehicles for the first time, with over 67 per cent of motorists backing the ban.

The campaign follows a series of polls conducted on the motors.co.uk site between March and April this year.


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