
Brown Going Down Says White Van Man

Nearly half of Britain's White Van Man drivers, that were asked, would offer David Cameron a job tomorrow.

The poll by leading van insurer, Express Insurance, found Nick Clegg, the second most employable of the three main party leaders with 31 percent, and Gordon Brown the least, with 22 percent.

Worse still for the Prime Minister, 8 out of 10 White Van Man voters have no confidence in him continuing as leader of the Labour Party.

As a nod to the political apathy in the aftermath of the expenses scandal, almost 13 percent of the nation's plumbers, electricians, builders and delivery drivers that were asked said that they will not cast a vote for anyone on May 6th.

A further 12 percent of replies who showed an affiliation to a certain party said they would not actually vote.

Although Cameron's Conservatives currently have 27 percent of the White Van Man ballot box, ten percent ahead of Labour, and fourteen in front of the Lib Dems, Independent candidates will secure 1 in 10 votes according to the Express Insurance poll. The remaining percentage made up from 'other' and 'non' votes.

"With 2.5m registered Light Commercial Vehicles in the UK, the White Van Man has a powerful voice, and one the politicians need to listen too," says Tony Way, Managing Director of Express Insurance.

The Express Insurance WhiteVanManifesto, which brings together the views of around 2,000 owners, puts the National Debt and Immigration issues at the top of the agenda with 33 percent and 28 percent respectively with Employment standing at 20 percent, Health 6 percent, Tax 5 percent, Education 3 percent, and the on-going war in Afghanistan 3 percent next in order of importance.

Ironically, the poor state of roads was the most important issue for just 2 percent of those polled.

That said, the majority of Britain's White Van Drivers - some 58 percent - would like to see the removal of speed cameras altogether, with 30 percent saying they think they should be left alone and 12 percent voting for more to be installed.


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