
Cyclists To Get Boost

Local cycling enthusiasts are being urged to 'get on their bikes' in record numbers.

Travelwise NI is organising regional events during 'Two Wheels:Two Weeks' – a fortnight of biking activity set to run from 13-27 June 2010.

This message was relayed to potential event organisers including councils and other organisations attending the first workshop of its kind in Belfast led by representatives from 'Team Green Britain Bike Week'.

The workshop provided expert advice on organising successful cycling events and allowed those attending to share their own cycling ideas and initiatives.

Travelwise NI also announced that local authorities can apply for a share of £40,000 worth of funding being made available for regional cycling events, and advised attendees to register their events to avail of public liability insurance and receive 'Two Wheels:Two Weeks' promotional material.

Travelwise NI, a Department for Regional Development initiative which promotes sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling, public transport or car sharing, has been running bike week initiatives for 10 years.

Andy Bready of Travelwise NI said: "We are delighted to have the 'Team Green Britain Bike Week' team sharing their advice with local organisations, and we are very excited about the range of cycling activities already planned throughout the two weeks.

"We are also pleased to announce that funding is available to assist local authorities wishing to organise their own events.

"We want to engage as many people as possible to get on their bikes during the event and beyond to enjoy the numerous health, financial and environmental benefits associated with cycling.

"It's important to reinforce the message that cycling is for everyone, and can easily be part of everyday life – whether that's through cycling to work, to the shops, to school, or simply for fun.

"This workshop has been very useful for councils and other organisations to share creative ideas for cycling initiatives such as themed bike rides, picnics, parent and children rides and bike fix events.

"We can only make this year a success with the help of our partners, and we hope that the information provided will inspire and help event organisers to ensure a record number of cyclists get on their bikes," he said.

Those interested in organising cycling events should register their details with Travelwise NI at www.travelwiseni.co.uk or by contacting Andy Bready at Travelwise NI on (028) 9054 0595.


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