

The UK leader in stolen vehicle tracking, Tracker has highlighted the growing problem with criminals exploiting loopholes in the shipping industry, which allows them to export stolen vehicles via the docks.

Last week's Cars, Cops and Criminals on BBC 1 reported the issue and the role Tracker technology plays in helping police trace these vehicles and close the net on criminal gangs.

The theft and recovery of two stolen Mercedes from one address were featured on the show. As one of the vehicles was fitted with a Tracker device, it led police straight to the docks, where they were found in shipping containers, one bound for Hamburg.

Stuart Chapman, Police Relationship Manager said: "Our work with police forces around the UK shows increasing numbers of vehicles being stolen for illegal export using the docks.

"Our data reveals that 75% of all stolen cars recovered by Tracker are stolen using the owner's key, through car-jacking, house burglary, or in public places.

"We are finding vehicles fitted with Tracker en route or at the docks in shipping containers or HGV trailers. Thankfully, as we use VHF frequency, we can still get a signal to track these vehicles.

"Every month we help to recover an average £2million worth of stolen vehicles. And to date we have recovered more than 19,000 stolen vehicles, worth a staggering £420 million, and assisted the police in making over 1,900 car thief arrests."

Used by all 52 police forces, Tracker's stolen vehicle tracking and recovery systems inform the police of the initial location of a stolen vehicle.

Crucially, it locates and will raise an alert if there is any attempt to jam the communication system or tamper with the unit, so the police and owner are aware of the theft instantly. It then uses the precision of VHF technology to track that stolen vehicle to its exact location.


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