
Drivers' Pet Hates Unearthed

Tailgating is the most despised habit amongst British motorists with two thirds (66%) wanting to put bumper-to-bumper motoring in the road-going equivalent of Room 101.

New research from Kwik-Fit shows that tailgating is hated by more people than other drivers failing to indicate (62%), or dangerous overtaking (57%).

Jumping traffic lights, which is cited by 35% of motorists, and hogging the middle lane of the motorway (34%), complete the top five.

Levels of tolerance vary between the sexes, with slightly more women than men hating tailgaters. However, female drivers are only half as likely as males to be annoyed by other motorists’ dangerous overtaking, hesitant driving or hogging of the fast lane.

David White, customer services director at Kwik-Fit, believes motorists’ annoyance reflect real dangers on the road.

He said: "It’s clear that the root of this frustration is the danger that these habits pose. Although driving too close to another vehicle isn’t a specific offence, it’s one of the most common causes of car accidents.

"Motorists need to remember that these aren’t just annoying, they put the safety of all road users at risk.

"In our study only 2% of motorists said that nothing annoyed them on the road, which shows that the vast majority of us can make big improvements in our driver styles and contribute to calmer, and safer, roads."


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